CPCG LogoColumbus Polymer Clay Guild


Date Joined:_____________________________________________________________


Address (Include full address):______________________________________________

Home Phone _____________ Cell Phone_____________ Work Phone______________
( Please include area code)

E-Mail (Complete):_________________________________________________________


Areas of Interest in POLYMER CLAY:_________________________________________

Will you be attending monthly meetings? _____________________________________

Are you a member of any other PC Guilds or organizations? If yes, please list here:


Are you currently selling or showing your PC artwork? If yes, please list the name of the publication, gallery or show here:_____________________________________________


Are you currently teaching PC? If yes, please list where and brief description of the classes:


Other interests and hobbies? Anything that ties into PC that can be demonstrated to the group?____________________________________________________________________


The Columbus Polymer Clay Guild thrives because of great active members and a dedicated board of directors. Board positions are available and can be shared. Interested in helping the CPCG grow? Let us know how you would like to participate in the Columbus Polymer Clay Guild.

Please make checks payable to: Columbus Polymer Clay Guild. Please send checks to Nicole Willis, 6245 Liberty Rd. N., Powell, OH 43065. Membership is $20.00 per year.