Meetings CPCG meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at the Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center, located in Worthington at 777 Evening Street. Directions are available at Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center. We encourage polymer clay enthusiasts at all levels of experience to join, and provide a wide variety of activities suitable for all levels of expertise. Most meetings include a demonstration, and a list of materials is emailed before each meeting.
Membership Dues for CPCG membership are collected in January of each year. Members who have not paid dues by March 31 will be removed from the mailing list. Prospective new members are welcome to attend meetings and will be eligible to receive Guild mailings upon payment of dues.
Communication The CPCG uses email as our standard method of communicating events, news, and meeting notes. Surface mail communications are available to members who do not have access to email, but it must be specifically requested. Courtesy email communication of special events is also available to other Guilds and interested artists who are not CPCG members. However, because of the added expense, surface mail communications are not available to non-members.
Library The CPCG maintains an extensive library of books, videos, and other materials for use at no charge by all Guild members. A CPCG member is eligible to use the library after having attended three meetings and having paid dues. Borrowed materials are due back at the following meeting. There is a $5 late fee for materials returned after the second meeting after which the materials were borrowed.
Special Events The Guild coordinates a variety of classes, workshops, retreats, fundraisers, and buying groups. Dues-paying members will receive the first communications about these events and will have the first choice if limited space is available. Each event communication will specify the date at which the event will be opened to non-members.
Financial Structure The CPCG is an entirely member-supported organization. A portion of guild members' dues are used to pay a voluntary fee to the non-profit Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center for use of their facilities. Monies from dues and fundraisers are also used to purchase library items, to subsidize the cost of travel for visiting artists, and to make contributions to local arts institutions or charities. Accounts are kept by the guild treasurer and are available for inspection by any dues-paying Guild member.
Guild Support Special events, and demonstrations require significant effort to plan and coordinate. Guild members are expected to contribute their time to the support of these functions.